美德Virtues and Sins

Defination of virtues:
A good or admirable quality or property of one's character. Moral goodness or righteousness. Things or behavior that will be good to other human beings.

humility, kindness, abstinence, chastity, patience, liberality, diligence

Defination of Sins:
Things or behavior that will affect or harm other human beings or yourself.


humility against pride,
kindness against envy,
abstinence(temperance) against gluttony,
chastity against lust,
patience against anger(wrath),
liberality (charity)against greed, and
diligence against sloth.

A person with the universally recognized virtues means he will be accepted and respected by the other human beings. This will ensure that he can live happily in this world because he will always have to face the other human beings. Only animals can live happily without caring for others of the same species and can have no virtues.
On the contrary, sins are the things that will invariably affect or harm the other human beings. No one can truly be happy if he is disliked and disrespected by other human beings.

Other virtues:


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No one can be perfect,
No one can have all the good virtues,
No one can have no sins,
May be only Saints can!

But still you have to hnow,
what is good and what is bad,
What is right and what is wrong,
You can still be respectable!

One has to be good to others,
Others will then be good to you,
So it's good to yourself to be good to others,
You'll be a Saint if you are good to those who are not good to you!

All the virtues concerns being good to others,
It may be hard for you to have them all,
You may have to sacrifice your own interests for it,
But the ultimate result is only good for you!

Anonymous said...

禮、: attitudes to others, disciplines, considerate
廉、not greedy, incorrupt,
恥、integrity, shamefulness
忠、faithfulness, loyalty
信、honesty, truthfulness
孝、filial piety
悌:love for the younger
和平: peacefulness against anger(wrath),bad tempers
謙遜: humility (against pride)
忍patience against anger(wrath),
讓: liberality (against selfishness)

智、wisdom, knowledge
勇: courage, bravery
勤: diligence (against sloth)
貞節: chastity against lust,
節制: abstinence(temperance) against gluttony,
道德: not harming others